Grading Rubric

Grading Rubric

ViewPoint Christian Academy has established a rubric with basic criteria for all written submission in Ignitia. This rubric is also useful for those utilizing our paper-based curriculum. These general guidelines world in conjunction with the specified guidelines for each individual assignment. Parents and students should reference this regularly for written assignments to maximize their final grade. Grading Rubric for Ignitia […]

Diagnostic/Placement Testing

Diagnostic/Placement Testing

ViewPoint Christian Academy’s individualized and mastery-based program relies upon accurate diagnostic/placement testing. To assist the families with this process, some instructions are provided here. General Principals of Placement Testing Placement tests are not a part of the student’s overall grade average are not included as grades on their permanent record or transcript. In this way they are “ungraded”.  The grade […]

Bus Route

Bus Route

The 2019/2020 bus route for ViewPoint Christian Academy is available now! Please be sure to be at your pick-up location at least 10-15 minutes in advance of the scheduled time.

Student Computers

Student Computers

Changes bring challenges. The curriculum transition at ViewPoint to a technology-driven program may raise concerns about student safety on the internet. These challenges and concerns have been considered and we are taking steps to safeguard our school and students. The curriculum provider (Alpha Omega Publishers) is a reputable Christian company that carefully monitors the content of their curriculum. However, they […]